
Team D

10th place

430 points



Challenge Category Value Time
In the Event of My Demise Reverse Engineering 10
Nohtyp Reverse Engineering 5
Research Time 5 OSINT 5
Research Time 4 OSINT 5
Shuffle up, down, and all around Reverse Engineering 5
Research Time 3 OSINT 5
ZigZag Alert Cryptography 10
Taking it Way Back OSINT 5
Research Time 2 OSINT 5
His Eyes Almost Didn't Believe It Forensics 5
Great Mnemonics Miscellaneous 5
Hex? Math 5
TalentSphere: Attributes Define You Career Connections 5
Langdon, Robert Langdon Forensics 5
Speaking of the UN… Miscellaneous 5
What Flag Flies Here 2 Miscellaneous 5
How many flags fly here? Miscellaneous 5
TalentSphere: Get Logged In Career Connections 5
Batman Steganography 10
Submarine Sandwich Origins OSINT 10
Wireshark A Web Security 5
What's the code? Miscellaneous 5
Hacked? Miscellaneous 5
Order of Operations Math 5
Gain Access 0