Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
Broken HTTPS? | Web Security | 10 | |
ZigZag Alert | Cryptography | 10 | |
Freq 2 | Cryptography | 5 | |
Buff-er What? | Binary Exploitation | 10 | |
Shuffle up, down, and all around | Reverse Engineering | 5 | |
Lord Playfair | Cryptography | 10 | |
Steganography | 5 | ||
Homepage Hijinks | Forensics | 5 | |
Bacon | Steganography | 15 | |
Shutdown Shenanigans | Forensics | 10 | |
Batman | Steganography | 10 | |
Behind the Curtain | Forensics | 5 | |
Modulo: It's What's Left Over | Math | 5 | |
I hate acronyms… | Forensics | 10 | |
Gain Access | 0 |